Download ann putnam the crucible
Download ann putnam the crucible

download ann putnam the crucible

is the land war he fought with his neighbours, one of whom was a Putnam'.

download ann putnam the crucible

Rebecca Nurse - the Putnams see the Nurses as enemies - page 20 - 'another suggestion to explain the systematic campaign against Rebecca.

  • Shows that society is corrupt - uses the lies as a way to ruin the lives of others e.g.
  • download ann putnam the crucible

    Provocative and persistent - upon the idea that the Devil is at work - page 9 - 'how high did she fly, how high' - page 30 - 'her soul seems flown away' - page 36 - 'My baby's blood' - the conventional imagery that human blood is used when conjuring the Devil.soon accused Rebecca's spirit of 'tempting her to iniquity'. my babies always shrivelled in her hands' - accusing Goody Osburn - page 21 - 'Mrs Putnam. Vindictive and bitter - is against many characters that challenge the superstitions of witchcraft - Act 1 page 39 - 'Goody Osburn were midwife to me three times.Vulnerable - she is desperate for an explanation of her miscarriages - Act 1 page 23 - supports this witchcraft explanation, has a grudge against Rebecca Nurse - '(with a growing edge of sarcasm)You think it God's work you should never lose a child, nor a grandchild either, and I bury all but one?'.Hypocritical (non-religious) - Act 1 page 32 - 'Let God blame me' however she does not have faith in God regarding her miscarriages but rather points it towards superstition and the Devil's curse - page 12 - 'for how else is she struck dumb now except some power of darkness would stop her mouth?'.Mr Parris' - she is not in full possession of her capacities in dealing with her children's deaths - page 32 - '(softly) Aye (her voice breaks)' Troubled - psychologically and emotionally unstable -Act 1 page 12 - 'Tituba knows how to speak to the dead.Paranoid - Act 1 - page 10 and 12 - 'the Devil's touch is heavier than sick' 'her soul is taken surely' - paranoid about the Devil cursing her babies.Ignorant - puts Ruth's life at risk - Act 1 - page 32 - 'I know it sir, I sent my child - she should learn from Tituba who murdered her sisters.'.

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